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Effective Trust in Allah through Prayer
Effective Trust in Allah through Prayer
 T A W A K K U L A L L A L A H
 Source: Anonymous

Prayer is not an attempt to get what we want but an endeavour  to give Almighty Allah an opportunity to do what He wants through  us.
Prayer is not begging from Almighty Allah but cooperating with  Him. The thing to be sought is not how to get our way, but how to  accept the will of Almighty Allah. The intent is not to change  Almighty Allah's mind, but to change our attitudes.
Prayer is  really thinking in Almighty Allah's presence. As the level of our  conscience is raised toward the level of Almighty Allah's thoughts, the happenings of life are seen in truer perspective.
Effective  prayer involves a deep yearning to know Almighty Allah, an  eagerness to trust Almighty Allah all the way.
