Lotus Word Pro 97 Document

Explanation of Key words
 Explanation of Key words   |   Translator's Note   |   Compiler's Note   |   Salutary Words   |   Section 1: Nisbat & Ihsaan   |   Section 2:  Aamaal Qalbiyyah

An Introduction to the Science of Tasawwuf
Explanation of Key words

NISBAT: An Invariably spiritual connection with Allah and his commandments.

IHSAAN: A state wherein a person is conscious of Allah and his commandments all the time.

AAMAAL-E-QALBIYYAH: Actions of the heart, which refers to both praiseworthy qualities such as faith, patience, sincerity of intention etc. and debasing qualities such as disbelief, pride, jealousy etc.

Lotus Word Pro 97 Document