Shariat wa Tariqat ka Talazum
In Accord with Shari'ah and Observance
Hadhrat Sheikh-ul-Haaj Moulana Muhammad Zakariya Sahib Muhajir Madni(R.A.)
Translated by Brother Nasrullah Anwar Saheb
Endorsed by Sheikh-ul-Hadith Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf Motala Sahib
Translators Note:
I have not translated this book completely word for word, but have sometimes substituted words for a terminology closer to the actual meaning. This is because Urdu and English are two very individual languages, each with their own set of unique rules of eloquence and etymologies. The footnotes are also unique to this translation and will not be found in the original or in any other translations of this book. If any mistakes have occurred, than I ask for Allah's forgiveness and assure the readers that the mistake was due to my deficient understanding and lack of knowledge, therefore has no reflection on Hadhrat Sheikh's original work. As Hadhrat Sheikh write, 'your understanding isn't enough yet.'