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![]() Definition of Qiyaas & Ijtihaad
![]() Foreword | Hadeeth explains the Quraan | Definition of Qiyaas & Ijtihaad | Types of Masa'il Qiyaas is made | Difference between Mujtahid & Muqallid | Taqleed of one Imaam | Changing Mazhabs | Some Of The Conditions Of Ijtihaad
Definition of Qiyaas & Ijtihaad
![]() When any mas'ala is not clearly understood from the Quraan and Hadith then to ponder deeply into (Proofs in Shariat on which an argument is based) and other similiar masa'il (plural of mas'ala) is known as ijtihaad. This is known as Qiyaas too, as understood from the above, example.
When there is consensus of opinion on a mas'ala derived by ijtihaad and Qiyaas then it is known as ijma.
That is why the Ulama of Usool have written that Qiyaas does not enact any mas'ala or order it only reveals it. That order and decree was present in the Quraan and Hadith but It was concealed. Generally people are unable to understand it from the Quraan and the Hadith, a Mujtahid analyses it on similar masaa'il and makes istimbat (deduces) through (lqtidhaun Nass), (lshaaratun Nass), (Dalalatun Nass) and then reveals the mas'ala.
Imam Bukhari rahmatullah Alay has brought a separate heading in proof of this in his Kitaab Sahih Bukhari.
It is necessary for one who does not have the ability to make ijtihaad to accept the version of a mujtahid.
This is known as Taqleed.
Hazrat Ma'az (Radiallahu Anhu) was sent by Rasulullah(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) so that the masaail and
orders given by him be acted upon and the source of his orders were three:-
1) The Quraan ê-Kareem
2) The Hadith Shareef,
3) ljtihaad.
To accept the three is to obey Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) says: “Whoever obeys me obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me disobeys Allah. Whoever obeys the ameer obeys me and whoever disobeys the ameer disobeys me.” (Mishkat Page 310).
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