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![]() Taqleed of one Imaam
![]() Foreword | Hadeeth explains the Quraan | Definition of Qiyaas & Ijtihaad | Types of Masa'il Qiyaas is made | Difference between Mujtahid & Muqallid | Taqleed of one Imaam | Changing Mazhabs | Some Of The Conditions Of Ijtihaad _______________________________________________
Taqleed of one Imaam
The question arises why is it necessary to follow one imam only? What is wrong if one mas'ala is taken from one Imam and another from another Imam, as was done in the times of the Sahaaba (Radiallahu Anhum) and Tabeien (Radiallahu Anhum). In those times the whole Math'hab was not confined to one person. The answer is that in those times good was prevalent. Generally the lowly desires did not have any influence in matters of deen.
Whoever used to refer to any of his elders regarding any mas'ala, used to do so sincerely and he also use to act upon the verdict given to him whether it be to his benefIt and desires or not. Later sincerity to that degree and piety did not remain amongst the people. Such urge was present in people to ask one aalim a mas'ala, if it did not suit them, and then they referred that mas'ala to another aalim until they found a verdict that suited their desires. Gradually, for every masala they had the urge to look for a suitable reply. It is obvious that such people are not seeking the truth. Sometimes the consequence of this is very serious.
E.g. a person in the state of wudhu touches his wife. A person following the Shafie mazhab tells him that your wudhu is broken, therefore remake your wudhu. He replies No' I am a Muqallid of Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay). According to him this does not cause the wudhu to break. I can read Salaat with this wudhu. Then this person vomits a mouth full. A person following the Hanafi Math'hab advises him to make wudhu as his wudhu has broken according to Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay). This person replies that I am making taqleed of Imam Shafie (rahmatullah alay) (in this mas'ala) and according to Imam Shafie (rahmatullah alay) vomiting does not cause the wudhu to break. A person can read Salaat with such a wudhu. If this person reads his Namaaz with this wudhu then his Salaat will not be valid according to Imam Shafie (rahmatullah alay) and not according to Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay). This is called Talfeeq and there is ijma and consensus of opinion that Talfeeq is baatil and, impermissible. In reality by doing this person does not make taqleed of either Imam Shafie (rahmatullah alay) or Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay) but he is following his desires, and Shariat has prohibited us from following our desires. It results in going astray from the path of Allah Ta'ala.
Allah Ta'aalaa says in Surah HUD Ayat 26:
"And do not follow your desires (in future too) for it will lead, you astray from the path of Allah."
Therefore, It Is necessary to make taqleed of one Imam.
It is for this reason that the Quraan-e- Kareem has connected adherence with turning towards Allah (repentantly).
Allah Ta'ala says: "And follow the way of that person who turns towards me."
Generally someone feels according to his strong presumption that Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay) is
most probably correct and munib (has the quality of inaabat) that is his ijtihaad conforms more to the Quraan and Hadith. That is why he has opted to make taqleed of Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullah alay). Another person has this strong feeling that Imam Malik (rahmatullah alay's) ijtihaad conforms more with the Quraan and Hadith, therefore he make taqleed of Imam Malik (rahmatullah alay). Someone has this feeling regarding Imam Shafie (rahmatullah alay's) ijtihaad that's why he makes Imam Shafei's (rahmatullah alay) taqleed and someone for this very reason makes taqleed of Imam Ahmed bin Hambal (rahmatullah alay).
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